“The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters , and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” Jane Austen was right  to give her dubious inclination to the loose and brittle fabric of human character and behaviors in her most acclaimed title “ pride and prejudice”.  We are not what we profess to be and many a times people are misjudged either favorably or partially.  To put it simply, we humans are driven by inconsistency  of characters.


If we look the matters as it is without trying to descramble the whys and hows , then it is not hard for us to understand why people cry out that the promises are meant to be broken.  People are mysterious because their behaviors  and characters may not truly represent themselves and in variant situations and ambiance may produce the variant behaviors . For instances, in the beginning of each love story, it is marked with sincere promises made for lifelong  but in matter of a time (in most cases), the promises  get soon decayed in the memory.  The Romeo or Juliet of then turns out to be a big time thug or simply an uninteresting person.  The most inconsistent species out of all are leaders. Hypocrisy , falsehood and deception are their major tools to brainwash the minds of people.  We are in some way the other inconsistent in our desires, hopes, performances, promises, attitudes etc. Our honesty, faithfulness, fidelity , integrity and reliability are always at stake due to our inconsistencies. Because of the inconsistency of our characters, paradox is assigned as our common nature. Why not take the example of inconsistent motives of businesses whose social service motive and profit earning motive may come in serious conflict with each other.   In all cultures and societies, paradox in numerous forms have the established norms. For e.g. In our hindu religion female is regarded as deity or devi mata but within the same culture females are the subject to most cruel treatment of males.  Many wars and conflicts have just happened due to prejudices and disparity created by the inconsistency of human behaviors. In this way,  inconsistency is always perceived in negative sense because our human mind finds peace within the stability and consistency with the flow of life events. Might it be arbitrary to suggest that  inconsistency as much as disliked by people  is the most repeated tendency and inclination by everybody  but  it can also be taken with quiet an alternating perspective.

We are always in the course of evolvement and this simple phenomenon also validates the inconsistency subsisting within the human behaviors and characters. It’s in the genesis of human beings to be inconsistent. We are not the same like our ancestors in terms of physical and temperamental characteristics.  We won’t change if we maintain the same consistent pattern of  behaviors.  And change is such a powerful tide that at some points of our life we strongly desire it to sweep us away.  We change because it is desirous and change is impossible if we do not disrupt the consistency.  Not only wars and conflicts are the results of inconsistency but also the unimaginable feat of development is the outcome of inconsistency.  Revolutions be it in politics, industry , social, economic etc have happened by openly challenging the established principles and values.  We have seen revolutions always taking place at some interval of time in the human history. It shows that we are never satisfied which is nothing more than our inconsistency of wishes and interests.


I think it’s not always bad to be inconsistent because absolute consistency  can only be expected from machines. And we are not machines. We have debilitating emotions and temptations which are often hard to resist . They are alone enough to shake the consistent foundation of our life. We laugh, we cry; we love, we hate; we express pity, we express anger etc  manifest the inconsistencies of our life.  It is said that life has different plans for us than the plans we set for it. So what happens tomorrow is out of  bounds of your any knowledge and dealing with it may require sudden change of your formerly known tactics and strategies and adopt a new one. So inconsistency  is welcoming here in this case.

Inconsistency should not become intermittent as to achieve instability.  And it’s always the case that some of us are either  too inconsistent or too rigid. And both the cases do not allow the favorable position.  Therefore sometimes we should let go ourselves with our whims, change the taste, venture out new things and take the taste of life in real sense. But inconsistency should not drag us to the point where our integrity and characters come to the point of detachment off ourslelves….

( sorry if i confuse you with my inconsistent writing)


  1. “sry if i confuse u with my inconsistent writing”!!!!!—–that’s bullshit yaar…….U’re gettin consistently better at this…….luved the article…..specially the last 2 paras…….i agree…..inconsistency till a certain level is human nature,,,,,& so it’s very important…….keep it up param mitra….proud of u…..:)

    1. thank god shashank u liked it… i was quiet unsure if it would be properly understood.. i am glad u did it.. and to get a compliment from you as such this is really a great thing….

  2. True!!! Inconsistency is that one thing that is most consistent in human behavior (may be to adjust with the change or may its just needed smtime)….but whatever if the ongoing moment is true, it doest matter how inconsistnt the future is..
    “the consistently written article”…i just hope i got the idea correctly…..

  3. “I think it’s not always bad to be inconsistent because absolute consistency can only be expected from machines. ” well said.(written 😛 ) ..
    n i agree wid shashank..d last part wasnt necessary hehe..still a nice one..