Finding solitude:

Finding Solitude:


What does it take to achieve the peace of mind? This question is haunting me nowadays. All the things going around have been overwhelming for me. I seem to worry about everything. It’s causing blockade in my mind. Sometimes I become so much restless that I become zombie. I am fed up with the mundane tasks of living. With each single day the complexity adds up and clogs up the mind. There’s chaos, confusion, uncertainty, regret, frustrations, jealousy, hate, anxiety etc. etc. that makes the mind unbearable. With so much hustle bustle I feel like I am not human but just full of bullshits in my head.

When I get the chance of reflection, then I ponder about the ways to untangle my mind. I feel like the computer whose hard drive is full of unwanted files and making the processor very slow and ineffective. How I wish if there was delete button in our head just like the computer to get rid of the unwanted files. I just feel I want to take break and at least for a considerable amount of time escape from the present. Just thinking about the possibility of escape soothes the mind. I imagine taking my time off and just get lost in the oblivion.

I imagine going away far away in the mountains with just a backpack. In there I just observe the things as they are and take fresh air. I shout from the top of the knoll and listen to my echoes. I envision a gumba sitting on the lap of mountains. I go there and assume that I am one of the lamas there. I get completely immersed in the mystical environment of the gumba. Talking less but seeing, hearing, smelling and sensing more.  In there I meditate a lot and slowly empty my desires. I read, meditate, look up  the mountains, climb up the hill pray and stroll on the grassy land. And when I come out of the gumba after a couple of days I imagine that I found the peace and calm of my find and sense of purpose of living.

That’s just wishful imagination but I guess I have to endeavour to at least find the solitude from this humdrum of life. Now I understand that why so many westerners want to visit our country. It’s not only because it’s beautiful but to seek peace of their mind as well.  It might not be the best route for my quest to get the peace of my mind but I feel it’s worth a try.