The dogs’ fight..

The dogs’ fight..

With hardly 10 days remaining from lifting the iron curtain that will give the new constitution to the country, people are increasingly getting frenzy over the issue of federalism .The latest developments in the country’s political and social sphere is tensional and general people’s anxiety has taken a toll.

While debating on federalism, the issue of ethnicity in federalism has taken up the whole debate. Ethnicity is being related with people’s historical, geographical and cultural identity and with this, various ethnicities are claiming monopoly over some parts of the country. If all their voices would be heard then the whole Nepal would have to be fragmented over more than 100 states or so. It’s a well known case that anywhere in the country people of different ethnicities have been living together for many years. And as the different ethnic groups are determined to end the so called, hegemony of few upper class people and establish their own rule for themselves, the social harmony is increasingly at risk of dismantling.  People intuitionally can find flaws in their proclaimed just demands . In my opinion, some psychological phenomenon is responsible for this  present tumult.

The  generalization of  social injustice and inequity as brewed from the whole caste system has helped the pre-conceived notion of the ‘janjati’, ‘dalits’ and marginalized group as being dominated from ‘bahuns’ and ‘chhetris’. The ‘madhesis’ believe that they are always bereft of their fair chance because of the ruling caste of hills. Injustice and inequality have definitely happened in the name of caste and region as well. But the generalization of all “bahuns” and “chhetris” as tyrant, greedy, capitalist, rich and having upper hands in everything is just a bad notion as thinking all the marginalized groups as being poor, downtrodden, suffering and misbehaved.  Not all “bahun” and “chhetris” are rich and infact the bahuns and chhetris of Karnali are living in the most unimaginable adverse condition.  All the marginalized groups like “newars”, “rai” , “gurung” are not so unlucky as “chepangs” and “dalits”. In the political and administrative dominion also people of various ethnicities are getting chances besides bahuns and chhetris.  Now marginalized ethnicities are demanding their rights as though they are seeking personal vendetta upon the upper castes.

Listening to the discourse on federalism , it sounds as though peoples behaviors are inherent  such that they can be categorically demarcated on the basis of ethnicities. No one can be distinguished as good or bad, moral or immoral, cruel or kind, greedy or generous  as per the castes people belong.  The well established value that says all humans are equal is disregarded with the hard press demands of special and  exclusive rights for marginalized group of people in which they seek monopoly over political and economic power of their so called historical regions. This aggressive attitude towards distribution of power and resources will invite more divisions and conflicts in the coming days.  The whole issue of ethnicity was seeded by Maoists in the insurgency to earn the cheap popularity of people and was voraciously raised in the parliament after post-war time period. Now their legacy has made the fine imprints in the minds of people which seems unalterable.

Our neighborhood dogs become very angry as they see a new dog encroaching upon their territory. They chase it out of their territory with biting and enough swearings in their own language of gnarling and yapping. We, Nepalese should not be guided by pack system as that of dogs and whatever happens , may not our fate be like those dogs..Jai Nepal!!

Monologue :On the Threshold of Adulthood

12th May, 2012

Weather: Windy, cloudy and drizzling..

The excitement and exuberance aren’t as much as it was on the 1st day of the college. Now it’s over, nothing notably has occurred to heave me with lighter feelings. People exclaim, “Boy, you are a man now.” But nothing seems dearer than those infantile memories and cravings and am still reluctant to enter into the realm of unfair clambering of making the greedy living where you are haunted in every step with the expectant eyes of your family and society and suddenly your worth will be termed with money…

Oh boy ! I am being cynical. Well I might be but this is all attributed to the environment that suffocates me in every breathe. In about just 15 days the country’s fate will be decided. But the current wrangling of politicians seem to have made such an once in a lifetime grand occasion of constitution writing just a cheap bargaining mockery. Let’s leave the country and since now I’ve come to the deciding point of education, it’s time to get into the university. How exciting!! But to speak frankly, I am fed up with the manacles of education. I think I am an educated fool. Oh yes!! I am. What can I expect from the education where I am truly weighed by the figures of marks. Education as it professes to make you see things from the veil and make apparent clear but ironically so much is stuffed in my brain with nearly 15 years of education, that I can hardly say what has been my purpose of getting education so far!! Just to show myself outstanding with mere marks. Pity!!

When I was still in my pre- teen and initial teen years, the newbie mind thought how it would be to an adult. Now coming onto the threshold of adulthood, I no more feel that sensation of my childhood wandering. I know now life isn’t fair and people often wear the mask of smile and overture later to deceive with their piercing deceitful sting. I know that war and peace not mean the opposite but rather the same thing. I know that people’s soul is saleable and purchasable. Anyone can be as good a true person in the eyes of others if the person has pots and tons of money.

But coming to the late teen hasn’t been the devoid of wonderful things. Well at least I can say precisely the things I like and the people I love. Well with the things and people that I don’t like haven’t been very precise ( You should know that I am a diplomatic type). I have shared the joyous moment with the ones dearest to my heart. I’ve never come to the appreciation of arts as much as I do now. I think life is driven by art or simply it is a great piece of art. The peculiarity of art is that you begin to appreciate it without fully understanding it.

When I think about the people, it makes me feel equally happy and hopeful sometimes as demeaning and depressive the other times. And that’s the eccentricity of life. It’s just like swinging between John Lenon’s “ all you need is love” and Eddie Vender’s ‘society’ which goes on to say “ society, crazy indeed, hope you’re not lonely without me”.

The great thing about my voyage so far is that I haven’t regretted over my life which keeps me getting on with it. I have had share of good times and some very crushing ones. But these all have made my life altogether a blend of colors so far. The times ahead has many things in store for me. I know there’s an inevitable end for me at some point, but till then life goes on…