Imperialism necessarily doesn’t mean to invade one’s land or nations and subsequently have its influence. But the real imperialism starts when the psychology of certain groups of people is invaded by other group of persons. The impact of this is the trend that eventually becomes inevitable that at the some point it poses the serious threat to one’s own identity, culture, social values and norms.

Still we have the perception of treating “white” skin as added or special privilege that we generally associate with westerners. Our mind is conditioned with the idea that westerners are really fortunate people than us. To make those perceptions more fervent our mind associates them with their high quality of life, their abundance wealth and development. The consequence of this is our general inclinations to their every aspects of life. We like to talk, wear, socialize, earn and even think like them. The merits and discrepancies of this effect is the matter of discourse which shall not be disclosed here. The main thing that is focused here is our pure obsessions to the western culture like the language I am writing for this article can be taken as an obsession.

Needless to say that each nation has its own specialty and identity. But, in this age of modernism the value of one’s identity seems to be marred by some outside influence. If this trend continues then we shall never be different from the westerners besides some aspects. Our conception of modernism is greatly tilted towards the western culture. Whatever they innovate with their culture becomes the tag of modernism but we overlook our own culture because we pertain our culture to be conventional and never think of way making it more improvised in it’s form. It is futile to point the general dresses we wear as our own dresses have the vent only for some very special occasions otherwise who cares. Not only with dresses, our obsessions has such intensity that we pretend to sound like them when we speak, give more preferences to western movies and songs. If someone is seen to be more devoted in his/her culture we jeer such person saying “pakhe”. May be the advent of internet has facilitated the encroachment of the cultures in the name of globalisation. If this is to continue then we will have nothing to say our own.

Some transformation of culture has special significance to our lives but when someone gets completely drenched with obsession then the person becomes blindfolded. When this happens then along with good and sober some bad and very radical attitudes in the culture is seen. Hippies and punks are the good examples of this. Just think in the deep rooted society on the matter of conventionalism like ours if get exposed with our own girls wearing very tight and short miniskirts then where will the values of our dresses like sari, gunyo choli go? It can’t be perceived in other senses rather than obnoxious. Until and unless we prioritize our own culture and values our preconceived classical conditioning towards the western culture wil have very devastating impact in our own cultures.