अनवरत यात्रा ………

अनवरत यात्रा ………

सबै मानिसहरु आफ्नो जीवनमा उज्यालो , प्रकाश र ज्योति चहान्छन् | त्यही पनि प्राय मानिसहरु जीवनको उज्यालोपनलाई अन्धकारको कालो छायाँ मिसाइ जिन्दगीलाई धुम्मल्याइदिन्छन | अन्धकारमा एकछिन बस्दा हामी कति निसासिन्छौँ | एकचोटी सोचौं सारा जिन्दगी अन्धकारमा बिताउनु पर्यो भन्यो हामी हाम्रो जिवनलाई कसरी किनारा लगाउछौं ?तर त्यस्ता केहि मानिसहरु पनि छन् जो अन्धकारमा जीवनको भावबंगीलाई सुम्सुमाउछन् र अन्तर्मनको उज्यालोले जिन्दगीलाई डोर्याउछन् | किशोर थिंग त्येस्तै  कम गन्तीमा पर्ने व्येक्ति हुन् |

सेतो छडीले आफुलाई डोहोर्याउँदै हरेक दिन बिहान सबेरै कलेज आइपुग्छन किशोर थिंग | भर्खरै २१ मा लागेका किशोर कृष्ण बहादुर थिंग र बुद्ध माया थिंगको जेठो पुत्र हुन् |रसुवा घर भएको किशोर आफ्नो जिन्दगीलाई कसरी परिभाषित कसरि गर्छन  त ? आफ्नो जिन्दिगको आरोह अवरोहको गाथा सुजन श्रेष्ठलाई अन्तरवार्ताको क्रममा येसरी पोख्छन ….

१. तपाईको द्दृष्टिबिहिनता जन्मजात हो कि अरु कारणले गर्दा हो ?

मेरो आँखा पहिले देखिन्नै कम्जोर हो | तर म सानैदेखि दृष्टिबिहीन चाही थिइनँ | कक्षा ४ सम्म म अरु जस्तै सामान्य स्कूलमा पठनपाठन गर्थेँ | त्यसपछि बिस्तारै मेरो नेत्र कम्जोर हुँदै गयो र अन्तत मैले पूर्ण रुपमा ज्योति गुमाए |

२.  तपाईं दृष्टिबिहीन भएपछी कस्ता समस्याहरुको सामना गर्नुपर्यो ?

सुरुमा त निराश र हतोत्साही भएको थिए | तर म आफैले आफ्नो समस्या स्विकार गरें | र त्योसंग लड्नको लागि म तयार भएँ | हामी जस्तो अपांगता भएको व्येक्तिहरुलाई समाजले छुटै व्यवाहार गर्छन् जुन सारै  दुखद् कुरा हो | हामी जस्ता समस्या भएका व्येक्तिहरुलाई अरु सबलाङ्गले जसरी सजिलै  सामान्य काम गर्न अप्ठ्यारो पर्छ |  पढ्नलाई गाह्रो पर्ने , अरुसंग घुलमिल हुन पनि गाह्रो पर्ने | तर सबैभन्दा ठुलो चुनौती भनेको आफ्नै मानासिकता हो | जसले आफ्नो अपांगतालाई स्विकार्दैन र त्योसंग लड्न सक्दैन भने त्यो मानिसलाई जिन्दगीलाई अघि लान गाह्रो पर्छा जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ |

३. तपाईंले आफ्नो मानसिक्तालाई मजबुत पारेमा मात्र अपांगतासंग लड्न सकिन्छ भन्नुभयो | तपाईंले  आफ्नो अपांगतालाई चाहिँ कसरि लिनुहुन्छ त ?

अब जे हुनु थियो भैहाल्यो | त्येस्मा धेरै घोत्लिन जरुरि नै छैन | म त आफ्नो अपाङ्गतामा दुख प्रकट गर्दिनँ | मैले मेरो जीवनलाई कसरी सार्थक पार्ने भन्ने कुरामा म बढी ध्यान दिन्छु | मलाई मेरो समस्या त भगवानले अरुको अगाडी म पनि गर्न सक्छु भनेर देखाउनको निम्ति अवसर प्रदान गरेको जस्तो लाग्छ| म जस्ता दृष्टिबिहीनहरुले संसारमा सबैलाई चकित पारेको तथ्य त सबैको सामु त छंदै छ  नि | यो कुराले पनि मलाई प्रेरित गर्छ |

४. तपाइले सामान्य मान्छेले गर्न सक्ने कामहरु पनि सजिलैसंग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ,हैन त ?

हो, म अरु जस्तो सामान्य मान्छेले जस्तै धेरै काम गर्न सक्छु | उदाहारणको लागि मैले मोबाइल चलाउछु, इन्टरनेट मज्जाले नै चलाउछु, नित्यकर्महरु पनि आफैले गर्छु, सेतो छडीले म बाटोमा हिड्न सक्छु इत्यादि |

५. तपाईको रुचिहरु चाहिँ के के कुरामा छन् ?

मलाई गीत सुन्न र गाउन औधी मन पर्छ | म खाली समयमा गीत सुन्ने र गुनगुनाउने गर्छु | इन्टरनेट  फेसबुक चलाउन पनि मन पर्छ |

६. पढाई गर्दाको चुनौती र त्यसको सामना कसरी गर्दैहुनुहुन्छ ?

कक्षामा अपाङ्गता मैत्री पढाई नहुने कारणले गर्दा अप्ठयारो हुन्छ | हामीले सुनेको भरमा सबै कुरा सम्झिनु र बुझ्नु पर्छा | कति कुराहरु आँखाले नदेखिकिन नबुझिने हुन्छन | गणित , बिज्ञान जस्ता बिषयहरुमा अरुभन्दा पढ्न गाह्रो पर्छ | हाम्रा लागि भनेर फेरी किताबहरु पनि पाइदैनन्| जाँचमा अरुले लेख्दिनुपर्ने हुन्छ | जे जस्तो भएपनि मैले पढाइलाई निरन्तरता दिईराखेको छु र भविस्यमा पनि दिनेछु| एस. एल . सी मा पनि प्रथम श्रेणीमा उत्तीर्ण गरेको हुँ | ब्रेललिपीको कारणले पनि पढाइमा धेरै सहयोग मिलेको छ |

७. भावनात्मक रुपमा तपाईलाई दृष्टिबिहीनताले असर गर्यो कि गरेन ?

हामी जस्ता अपाङ्गता भएका व्येक्तिहरुलाई भावनात्मक रुपमा सबल हुन जरुरी हुन्छ | नत्र निराशा र बिक्षिप्ताले जिन्दगी तहस नहस हुन्छ | यो कुरा हामीमा मात्र भर पर्दैन | समाजले हामी प्रति गरने व्यवहारमा पनि भर पर्छ | उनीहरुको सहयोग र आत्मियताको अति नै जरुरी पर्छ | मेरो कुरा गर्दा मलाई खासै भावनात्मक रुपमा समस्या छैन किनभने मेरो अपांगतालाई मेरो परिवारले अपनाएको छ | उहाहरुको माया र सहयोगले आज म यहाँसम्म आइपुगेको हु | उहाहरुले मलाई जहिले पनि आशा र भरोसा दिनुभयो र छुट्टै किसिमको व्यवहारहरु कहिले पनि भएनन् |  

८. परिवारको माया र सदभावना त पाउनुभयो | त्येसैगरी समाज र राज्यबाट तपाईलाई कस्तो ब्येवाहार हुन्छ त ?

समाजबाट पनि मैले धेरै सहयोग र सदभावना पाएको छु | मेरो अपाङ्गतालाई सहयोग पनि धेरै संघ संस्थाहरुले गरेका छन् | अहिले हाल म नेत्रहीन महासंघ संस्थाको सहयोगमा छु | त्यहिपनि कहिलेकाहिँ केहि गर्न नपुगेको हो कि जस्तो लाग्छ | राज्यबाट चाहिँ सोचेजस्तो सहयोग पाइएको छैन | हामी जस्ता अपाङ्गहरुको हकहित अझै सरकारको प्राथमिकतामा परेको छैन जस्तो लाग्छ | यो कुरामा चाहिँ सरकारले ध्यान दिनुपर्छ |

९. अन्तमा हाम्रा पाठकहरुलाई तपाईको भविस्येको योजानाको बारेमा केहि बताइदिनुहोस् न ?

म भाविस्येमा म जस्तै अपाङ्ग भएका व्येक्तिहरुको निमिक्त सहयोग र उनीहरुको अधिकार र सुविधाको निमिक्त लड्न चाहन्छु | मलाई संगीतमा पनि रुची छ | र सायेद यस क्षेत्रमा पनि केहि गर्न चाहन्छु |

The 10 Most Inspiring Films

co-written by : Sujan Shrestha and Bharat Sunar

Films are not only the weekend fun activities. They  not only entertain us but in a way they  shape us. We can tell a person’s personality from the kinds of film he/she watches. Many films come and go in our notice but some films only can captivate and exhilarate us with the enthusiasm and inspiration. Films give the cue to the answers of the vital questions of life . It helps to change our perspectives, prejudice and tinge us with the tempest feelings . Films still are not being rid of people’s stereotype  that  considers passionate film viewers are no more than mere junkies or idlers. But this is purely abject accusation.  How can it be a wasteful business when movies are worth the immeasurable knowledge and new ideas and concepts? But that hinges to what kind of movies you prefer to watch. Everyone has their own choices. But some movies are such that one should not miss to watch.  They motivate and inspire us in a way like the morning dawn bringing the warm sunlight . Here are the lists of such 10 greatest movies ever been made:


Directed by-sean penn  (  has won 35 international awards)

INTO THE WILD  is a real life American biographical drama film. It is an adaptation of 1996 non-fiction book of the same name by Jon Krakauer based on the travels of Christopher McCandless across North America in the early 1990s. The film stars Emile Hirsch,Emile Hirsch,Marcia Gay Harden, Catherine Keener and Kristen Stewart. The film is about the life time journey of young man about the age of 22-23.and the achievement and disappointment on the way through him. At first, McCandless is content with the isolation, the beauty of nature around, and the thrill of living off the land. He hunts wild animals with a .22 caliber rifle, reads books, and keeps a diary of his thoughts as he prepares himself for a new life in the wild. But then does he find the happiness in the serenity of the nature?? You have to be patient until the end of the film to break through the answer of this. The movie is all about living with nature, struggling with it and of course motivating yourself to seek for the happiness.


(a film by- RON HOWARD) 4 Oscar awards

A film is based on life of a JOHN NASH who was the great mathematician, a 1994 Nobel prize winner in economics. John Nash was suffers  from Paranoid Schizophrenia and delusional episodes but he was not lesser than other normal people. Despite his psychological defect, his passion never wanes but insanely gets increased. It’s hard for him to adjust in the real life situation so he creates his own world and his own solace. The considering factor of this film is the unflinching love and support of his wife who helps him to realize the fact and truth and deal with them. Without her, we can honestly say , he would have perished. So the beautiful mind not only portrays the stupendous ability in disability but also the magic miracle of love. A very insightful film about life, love and passion and everyone must see it.


(a film by-ROBERT ZEMECKIS)six OSCAR awards

Forrest Gump is a 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The movie stars TOM HANKS who in his finest comedy role  has made the film undeniably the great. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a Greenbow, Alabama simpleton who travels across the world, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing firsthand some of the historic events of the latter half of the 20th century. This film tells the story of boy Forrest Gump who have unique sense of humor to every basic requirements and spiritual view of himself and to the people. He influenced all those people whom he met through the way of his life. This film has surely challenged this century’s crooked common sense views and the perspectives about loyalty, true love, friendship, devotion, honesty and determination. Seeing the film makes us reflect about our own ways of paradoxes and ironies. While seeing the film you never feel melodramatic cause you shake with laugh in one moment and the quite the other moment you find yourself sober. Unrequited though his love might be he never expects anything from his girl but always in whatever ways wants to keep her happy. He is a war hero with the high honor medal from the president. He is one of the richest person who travels in the public bus with his shabby dressing. He is a true and loyal friend who never falters an inch from the promise he made. He is the beacon of hope and inspiration to the people though he never meant to be. The virtues of film goes on and on but what one realizes at the end of the movie is life is not as hard as it seems , it is our groove look upon the life that makes it more complex. So simplicity is what life expects from us.

4.MILLION DOLAR BABY (Film by- Clint Eastwood)

Million Dollar Baby is a 2004 American sports drama film directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman. This film is about the hard struggling woman who has the dream to become a boxer from her childhood. But her dream remains dream until she calls upon the professional boxer trainer. The film is simple and pure but the things this film will  show so unusual passion inside you, mutual and pure love between two persons ( though not romantic) and struggle with a empty stomach. The film also makes you feel bitter as it makes you feel the horror within the store of future. So life is short , why not give a try to live our dreams?? The greatest entanglement the audiences can experience and which purely is subjective to their judgment is the ethical dilemma one might come through the life unexpectedly. Live life as if tomorrow never comes is the main theme of the film.


“What if we can go back to the time and make amends to our mistakes ?”This prospect as though seems impossible but at the same  time tempting. Here we have the most amazing film that one has ever really witnessed.  you can’t stop yourself crying and sometime laughing. The critics have choose this film as the most beautiful film of the century. ‘I was born under unusual circumstances ” thus begins the curious case of Benjamin Button. The Oscar awards winning film starring Brad Pitt as a man whose lifespan starts from the anticlockwise and Kate Blanchet as a woman he is destined to love forever. This is a monumental journey as unusual as its epic that follows Benjamin remarkable adventures of romance and redemption from the end of world war I through the 21st century.


The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film based on Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. Directed by Gabriele Muccino, the film features Will Smith as Gardner, an on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned stockbroker. Smith’s real-life son Jaden Smith co-stars, making his film debut as Gardner’s son Christopher Jr. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir written by Gardner with Quincy Troupe. For his performance, Will Smith was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actor. The story is such moving and flowing that you can’ t take your eyes from the screen. It is the tale about mankind, hunger and rise from  street to palace . It marks the basic human right and freedom to hunt for one’s happiness. From the every corners of despair and downfalls , this film shows remarkably how the faith towards future and the upbeat attitude can thrash out the every adversities in life to make it ultimate hunt for happiness. But how much is happiness to call it happiness?? Why not try finding out watching the film??


Life Is Beautiful (Italian: La vita è bella) is a 1997 Italian film which tells the story of a Jewish Italian, Guido Orefice  (played by Roberto Benigni, who also directed and co-wrote the film), who must employ his fertile imagination to help his family during their internment in a Nazi concentration camp. Can anyone see the beauty in life when death is always near you like your own shadow and the life hangs in the loose end of the thread thumping your heart with dismalness? But after seeing this film one feels the tragedy and the sheer happiness at the same time. And you can bet that such film is very rare indeed.  At the 71st Academy Awards in 1999, Benigni won the Academy Award for Best Actor and the film won both the Academy Award for Best Original Dramatic Score and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. This movie also get 97% positive review from the critics and listed as one of the best inspiring movie of the world.


If you are thinking for the most unbelievable and unimaginable lifetime  adventure then you should  join yourself with this three episode saga. After 560 minute later you will find yourself lost. With the most powerful and exciting story you are going to join in  one of the most daring adventure of life. The inspiring story telling has made this movie one of the greatest movie of the century. This movie is directed by Peter Jackson who also directed THE LOVELY BONES and KING KONG. The story tells about the journey of Frodo Baggins and his best friend  Samwise Gamgee, the most unlikely creature, the hobbit. Journey is about the quest of destroying the Ring and save the man kind from the brutality of Dark Lord Sauron. You are to witness the extraordinary story of friendship, bravery, temptation, hope, despair and determination which is set  in the picturesque background of Middle Earth. The three part movie is about journey and  the consciences which comes through the way of Frodo.  This three episode movie has won more than 22 Oscar awards in 2001,2002 and 2003 respectively. And also listed as one of the most highest grossing movie in the world and has won more than 33 international film awards.


Only few movies capture the triumph of human spirit as memorably as THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Morgan freeman and Tim Robins star in this powerful nominee for seven academy awards (including best picture)based on Stephen King story. This story is about Andy Dufresne  played by Tim, the prison  convict at Shawshank State Prison who is  unjustly convicted a murder. Andy’s indomitable stance earns him earnest friendship and at the same time his most skanky foe, his resourcefulness brings hope and change to the entire prison. This is one of the greatest prison break movie ever made in world cinema. This story teaches every people about gaining the hope and fighting with the fear. The man theme of the movie is “FEAR CAN HOLD YOU PRISONER.HOPE CAN SET YOU FREE”. The movie will capture your mind andkeep you on your sit until the end .This master piece movie have gained many critics best acclaimed remarks.


Cast Away is a drama film directed by Robert  Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks as fed-ex employee stranded on uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the south pacific. The film depicts his attempt to survive in island for four long years. And the film presents the  time after he survives from that island.  The film has shown the power of hope and love. The hope of getting to his love life keeps him alive for the four and half year. He survive in that island being a hunter.  This movie shows the amazing human spirit, like how hope can make people alive even in a cave of death. The movie was hugely successful and gained global appreciation. The movie has powerful lesson for those who have lost their hope from everything and living as a dead alive.